Last week I had a question regarding the Rich Text Editor in ADF 11g RC. Is it possible to disable/enable or add/remove components form the rich text editor's toolbar? At first I didn't know the answer, but after some investigation it appears to be very simple. The most important piece of the puzzle is to understand how the toolbar is constructed. According to the components documentation, the toolboxLayout property allows control over the layout of the toolbar. This is actually just an Array of Strings. The built in strings the component recognizes are: 1) "all" 2) "font" 3) "history" 4) "color" 5) "formatAll" 6) "justify" 7) "list" 8) "indent" 9) "link" 10) "newline" 11) "stretch" For more information on what these built in Strings do, refer to the online help of the component. One of the options you have to change the toolbar is to bind the editor compone...
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