Sometimes I wonder how to put all these visual elements on an already overloaded page. Customers have their needs for functionality, but sometimes just don't know when to say STOP. We need this, we need that ............ I wondered if all this functionality has to be available at any time, and if so, if it should be visible. What if I was able to 'partially hide' elements, and bring them into view only if a user really needs them ? I used one of the Myfaces components. In this case the popup. A Popup will only "popup" at the location where it is defined. It works more or less in a "now you see it, now you don't" way. The functionality in this popup works the way it should. By using the popup, I was able to add functionality to my page, without overloading the page with visual components. Below you see the page. It has (somewhere) functionality to customize the page. If the mouse is over the "Customize Your Application" text, the popup is sh...
My findings regarding Oracle ADF, Oracle JET, Oracle Mobile and Oracle Cloud